Call for abstracts


Conference on Sensors and Microsystems

11-14 FEBRUARY 2025 – Trento, Italy


The Conference organizing committee invites authors to submit papers for oral/poster presentation at the AISEM 2025 XXIII Conference.

Contributed abstracts should address innovative ideas and present the latest scientific and technological results covering topics concerning the fields of sensors, actuators as well as micro- and nanosystems.


Authors wishing to contribute are kindly invited to submit a 2-page abstract (in pdf format), including figures and references. Upon acceptance, the 2-page abstracts will be published in the on-line AISEM 2025 Book of Abstracts.


Template and Submission Links

Abstract submission is managed through CMT3. 

Click here to submit an abstract

You may need to register first, then search for "AISEM2025" within the list of conferences using the dedicated search bar.

Deadline is November 18th, 2024 



Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to contribute a 4-page extended paper to be included in a dedicated volume of the Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering published by Springer Verlag, with ISBN and indexed in ISI Web of Science and Scopus.


The official language of the Conference is English. No simultaneous translation will be provided.

2-Page Abstracts and 4-pages Extended Papers must be written in English.

As far as the selected presentations included in the scientific program are concerned, Italian may be used as presenting language, although the slides must be written in English, as well as posters.